
Sunday, March 14, 2010


I'm scared to have another baby. I see pregnant women constantly that look so happy and excited. If I am ever pregnant again I will be petrified. I feel the nerves shake me up just thinking about it. But then I see the babies. Babies and children are everywhere around me and I need one. I need you, Frost. I have your sister Frost and she is a miracle. I think that I can find a bit of you in her because I know that she would have shown you the world the way she sees it. So when I look at her every morning I will think of both of my babies. I've been trying to remember the way she was when she was a baby and a toddler lately. Memories I forgot are coming back to me. I like thinking about it now. I wish I could have made memories with you and her toogether. She hugs me when I cry, she always has. She would have kissed away your tears too. I have to have another baby for her to share her beautiful world with. Hadley has started painting pictures. She has been looking at paintings from the Renaissance and is drawn to those of the Madonna and Child. She asks countless questions about them and pays special attention to the baby. She might be finding her passion. I wonder what she will create next?
I wonder what I will create next?
Night, night Frost
Mama loves you.

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